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San Francisco Treat

Japantown Banners After a bit of a vacation of its own, fresh content returns to Oddball Update. This is really the first significant post I’ve made since Apple and I returned from our three-day visit to San Francisco — not counting the extra day on either end that was spent travelling to and from California by way of Dallas, TX.

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Watching From Afar

So here we are, in Detroit, watching on TV as Greta van Susteren stands and delivers from Naples, FL. She is using her trademark maundering style to tell us all that Florida is about to get “punished” and asking weirdly paranoid questions of her weather expert guests about how long she has until Naples becomes ground zero.

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Attack of the Miscellany

It’s unwarranted! It’s irrelevant! It’s miscellaneous! That’s this Oddball entry, 1960s movie poster style. Sometimes I have used Classic Oddball as a vehicle for notes to myself, or as a means to set “life waypoints” that I can use later to glean a timeframe around which certain things happened to me.

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Enterprise Cancelled

The cast of Enterprise “Star Trek: Enterprise…has been cancelled.” Okay, you were supposed to be hearing the voice of the Wildfire central computer from The Andromeda Strain as you read that line. If you didn’t, your nerd index is insufficient to continue reading this site, so…oh, who am I kidding.

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