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Oddball Review: Belkin TuneBase FM with Hands-Free

For the record, Saturday’s “cheer-yourself-up” day was a complete success. Apple and I had a fabulous time, got ourselves some of the things we’ve either needed or wanted (or both), and had some great meals and treats throughout the day. One of the items I picked up for both of us to use was the Belkin TuneBase FM with Hands-Free, an iPhone-centric vehicle adapter and FM transmitter that would allow us to play tunes on our iPhones through our car stereos.

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Getting Seasonal

Every year it’s the same thing. The same commercialized rush for your shopping dollars, the same rotating playlist of seemingly half a dozen Christmas songs on at least one local radio station, the same daily avalanche of direct mail catalogs and coupons from every company you’ve ever done business with in your life.

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