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The Xbox Acquisition Deliberation

In the old days, I would replace my computer every couple of years. Since I don’t game on the PC much anymore, I’m still finding myself perfectly happy (well, mostly) with the computer I built in October of 2006. The object of my upgrade fever, meanwhile, has turned to mobile phones and game consoles, and it is these items that I now find myself replacing on a two-year cycle.

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Sounds of Silent Hill

As part of my ever-revolving playlist of background music during working hours, I’ve recently begun listening to the haunting soundtracks of the Silent Hill video game series. A survival horror franchise of the most disturbing variety, Silent Hill has always had sound design to match, thanks to the unique audio styling of Akira Yamaoka.

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A Few Hours in Skyrim

I have never cared much for dragon-slaying, wizards and warlocks and all that stuff, preferring instead to visit the future and fly to the stars. But I might just change my mind about fantasy settings thanks to Skyrim, the fifth and latest of Bethesda’s Elder Scrolls role playing games for the PC and consoles.

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Abandon Ship

The topic I was discussing in my last entry — which marked the unheralded return of the Oddball Oddcast in a pared-down form — was not really done being hashed out in my head at the time I posted it. Shortly after I recorded those oh-so-scintillating 12 minutes of gabbling about the MMORPG Star Trek Online, I finally decided that I was gonna blow some walking-around money and get the “Original Series Bundle” through the game’s online store.

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First Thoughts: F.E.A.R. 3

Longtime readers of my blog are likely familiar with my great appreciation of the F.E.A.R. video game series, originally created and launched in 2005 by Monolith. The original game, which was the subject of one of my first reviews on this site, was succeeded by two expansion packs and a full-blown sequel in 2009, the latter of which I also reviewed.

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