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Westbound and Down: Day 2

Another day of driving is behind us. We’re now two-thirds of the way through our trip, and today we came pretty far: a total of just over 500 miles all told, spanning four states (Florida, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana). We encountered no more of those mystery traffic jams like yesterday’s parting shot from I-75 (which is famous for such incidents, I might add) but there was a heckuva lot of tailgating along I-10 today.

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Prepare to Embark

It’s our last night here in Naples. I can’t say that it’s our last night in Florida just yet, since tomorrow we’ll be in Tallahassee. But we’ve certainly enjoyed our time here, not just during our stay at my parents’ place, but during the whole last decade and then some.

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A Sendoff for 2010

New Year’s Eve. As fireworks crackle in the distance, Apple and I find ourselves ready to crash early for a good night’s sleep. It’s been a helluva month…or for that matter, a helluva year. With the enormous job of packing our belongings and selling our home now behind us, we move on to new challenges…but they are challenges that I am confident in our ability to meet.

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I received a call from my parents this afternoon to inform me that their house had been broken into while they were out. Apparently, a couple of guys smashed down one of the doors, went inside and calmly carted out their widescreen TV, laptops and myriad other electronics in broad daylight during the middle of the day.

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From the Typewriters of Babes

I like to read before going to sleep, because the act of shifting my ever-active brain’s focus from real-life concerns to fantasy ones makes it easier to fall asleep in the first place. Sometimes I read Star Trek novels, sometimes other fiction from my favorite genres (sci-fi, fantasy, suspense, et al), and other times I read old stories that I myself wrote, going as far back as the late 1980s.

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