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Connor hungrily eyes the Thanksgiving turkey

A Right Proper Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving has always been one of my favorite holidays. Partially because you get to eat yummy comfort food, partially because it’s the only national holiday where you typically get a free four-day weekend. But mostly because it’s always been a holiday marked by the quiet comforts of home, the warmth of family and enjoyment of favorite familiar things.

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Junior Programmer

It’s a rare event when I actually go to bed at 8:30 in the evening, but tonight it’s happening because I’m whipped. A few months ago a coworker and I went through a crash course in .NET development using the custom GIS controls our company makes, and since then I’ve served as “Junior Programmer” (my words) for made-to-order projects when all of our mainline developers are otherwise tasked out.

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A Traveling Success

I’m going to try not to let this go to my head, but our son Connor apparently has no trouble flying around. In an airplane, that is. Most of us have experienced the shrieking and unruly baby on one flight or another, and now that the shoe is on the other foot, I was dreading the possibility of experiencing it up close and personal.

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