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The Great Dodge Hunt: Money In Hand

Today I completed what has to have been the easiest vehicle sale I have ever undergone. Okay, okay: let me temper that by admitting that it’s only the second car that I’ve ever sold on the private market. But you could hardly ask for a more ideal situation: a buyer who dropped virtually into my lap, paid close to my asking price and was great to work with throughout the entire transaction.

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Homegrown Tech

This morning at work, I gave a presentation to a client of a project that I’ve spent the entire last week developing from scratch. It had been a tumultuous week to say the least; much of what I was doing was either tech I hadn’t touched in far too long, or brand new methodology that I was teaching myself on the fly.

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It’s sleepy-bye time here in Frisco, but as the night begins to settle in, I’m wired. As usual. Everyone else has long since gone to bed, but I’ve got far too much on the mind for sleep just yet. Two days away, after all, is our closing date: the day we pay a big chunk of change for the privilege of living in our own home.

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Global Economy? PUNISH YOU!

Participants in the global economy, beware: Your credit card company may slip a new surcharge into the terms and conditions on your credit card account. Unless your credit card is through Capital One or MBNA banks, you could find yourself paying a Foreign Transaction Fee each and every time you buy something from a vendor outside the United States.

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