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Connor hungrily eyes the Thanksgiving turkey

A Right Proper Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving has always been one of my favorite holidays. Partially because you get to eat yummy comfort food, partially because it’s the only national holiday where you typically get a free four-day weekend. But mostly because it’s always been a holiday marked by the quiet comforts of home, the warmth of family and enjoyment of favorite familiar things.

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Getting Seasonal

Every year it’s the same thing. The same commercialized rush for your shopping dollars, the same rotating playlist of seemingly half a dozen Christmas songs on at least one local radio station, the same daily avalanche of direct mail catalogs and coupons from every company you’ve ever done business with in your life.

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Lah De Dah Delightful…

Last night was my company’s Christmas party. I usually attend every year, although I am not really a party guy. (Okay, let’s face it. I just plain don’t “do” parties.) But we have a pretty small company and there are a number of people here I get along with pretty well, so there’s almost always somebody I can hang around and chat with for the evening.

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