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Catching Up, Settling Down

So we’ve been in our new home for almost a month now, and I think neither Apple nor myself could possibly be any happier. We really lucked out with this place, that’s for certain. When I think back to all of the dozens of homes that we toured over the last few months, and how none of them had the critical-mass amalgamation of features and perks that this one does…well, it’s clear we made the right choice.

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It’s sleepy-bye time here in Frisco, but as the night begins to settle in, I’m wired. As usual. Everyone else has long since gone to bed, but I’ve got far too much on the mind for sleep just yet. Two days away, after all, is our closing date: the day we pay a big chunk of change for the privilege of living in our own home.

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Snowpocalypse Dallas 2011

George Broussard called it “Snowpocalypse Dallas 2011” as he tweeted a photo of his backyard, which was covered with a dusting of fine, fresh snow. Broussard, a senior figure in modern video game design and president of what used to be 3D Realms, has been someone whose exploits I’ve followed since the 1990s…and whom now I find myself living within a stone’s throw of.

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And Here We Go

You’ll have noticed that we arrived in our new hometown of Frisco, TX on the fifth day of January and promptly disappeared. It was like that episode of Doctor Who where everyone yearns to be sent to the 500th floor because its walls are rumored to be paved with gold, and then everyone who gets sent up there is never heard from again.

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