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Gearing Up

Our travel date nears, and so, as you might expect, preparations for said trip have just about reached fever pitch around here. Not that I’m spending 24/7 packing — I usually plan things far too elaborately to get caught in a flurry of last-minute prep work.

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A Day in Ya’an

Today was quite an adventure for us here in China. After staying at our friends’ (very nice) apartment in XinJin yesterday and basically working most of the day, we set out in the evening for Ya’an, an old-fashioned town about an hour from here that is home to China’s single largest population of Pandas — a world-renowned location.

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Star Trek: Remastered

September 8th, 2006 marked the 40th anniversary of the airing of the first Star Trek: TOS episode back in 1966. Sitting here today, it’s hard to believe that I’ve been a fan of this show for more than half of that elapsed time — in fact, the colorful sets and hackneyed effects of TOS are some of my earliest (and fondest) television memories, watching syndicated reruns at 7:00 p.m.

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The World According To Darfh

The last few days have been quite hellish in these parts (heck, the entire summer has been hellish), so I’ve been pretty much cooped up inside my air conditioned house for the past week or so. Getting tired of the same old, same old, today I decided to trek out to the EB Games closest to my house (note: this EB Games is also a stone’s throw from two or three GameSpots as well).

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Dump Truck

Apple and I spent the morning hauling another huge load of recyclables and trash to the local recycling center, or as I affectionately call it, “the dump.” We used my boss’ truck to transport all the goods. This was the second time I’ve done this, and I have to say it was a lot easier with Apple’s help.

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