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Three Weekends Left

It’s Saturday tomorrow, and the beginning of the first of our final three weekends here in Thailand. We’ve already got them all planned out, too, although you would expect as much from us by now. After spending the entirety of every weekday within the same four walls, working 80% of the day and mostly losing myself in daydreams and fantasy for the remaining 20%, when the weekend comes we like to get out of the house and do something.

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A Weekend in Koh Samui

Apple and I spent the weekend in Koh Samui, and the experience was so incredible that I’m going to post about it here, despite the fact that I really feel rather dead right now. Is this feeling due to the inevitable gloom associated with having to put an end to what was possibly life’s greatest vacation, you ask?

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Run for the Border

Make a ruuunnnn…for the borderrrrr…Taco Bell! Okay, sorry. The ’80s just came back to me unbidden, as they so often do. Today Apple and I made our own run for the border: The border of Malaysia, rather than Mexico. However, what was going to be a fairly routine visa run and shopping trip turned into a bit more of an adventure than we expected.

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Hey, where’s the post about the giant robot angst? Suffice it to say, I’ll finish the second part of my Evangelion-themed entries a little later than I expected. In the meantime, my attention has been bouncing like a pinball from one new idea to another, and by now, my minor rediscovery of anime is only one facet of my overall sphere of inspiration.

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And I mean tired. Yes, that’s my excuse for why this site was neglected for the past week. I actually was on track to maintain the “post once every two or three days” schedule that I had fallen into since the new year started, that is until the Scheiβen hit the proverbial Lüfter on Friday.

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Pizza Huh?

The developers of a new shopping plaza in Nanjing, China have done something amusing to attract the eyes of tourists, business prospects and gullible westerners alike. Rather than stick with plain vanilla facades on storefronts that have yet to be leased, they’ve created a “virtual mall” of parody shops and merchandise, taken after those of real businesses.

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