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Boldly Going Away

Well, here it is. A red-letter date in Star Trek history. Tonight, the final two episodes of Star Trek: Enterprise—and indeed, of Star Trek itself—will air on the red-headed stepchild UPN network. After which, new episodes of Trek will leave the airwaves for the first time in eighteen years.

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Wolfy Anytime

Something strange happened to me while I was working on a client’s website this weekend. Since music distracts me from such tasks, I typically play some of my old tapes or other spoken-word stuff in the background. This time I happened to select an old recording of Wolfenstein 3-D gameplay, and I have to admit, this got me seriously thinking about doing some more Wolf3D level design.

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Attack of the Miscellany

It’s unwarranted! It’s irrelevant! It’s miscellaneous! That’s this Oddball entry, 1960s movie poster style. Sometimes I have used Classic Oddball as a vehicle for notes to myself, or as a means to set “life waypoints” that I can use later to glean a timeframe around which certain things happened to me.

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Enterprise Cancelled

The cast of Enterprise “Star Trek: Enterprise…has been cancelled.” Okay, you were supposed to be hearing the voice of the Wildfire central computer from The Andromeda Strain as you read that line. If you didn’t, your nerd index is insufficient to continue reading this site, so…oh, who am I kidding.

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Battlestar Galactica Premiere

It almost snuck up on me undetected, but fortunately somebody alerted me to the fact that the new Battlestar Galactica series was starting last Friday on the Sci-Fi channel. It’s the new series that continues the grippingly dramatic story begun in the 2003 four-hour miniseries, which was incredibly good, and I’m pleased to report that the first two episodes of the series continue the unfaltering greatness.

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486 Saved by a Penguin

The core components of my Dell 486 have apparently bit the dust, but its hard drives remain intact. I’ve known this for a couple of weeks now, but it’s been beyond me to do anything about it. The smaller, secondary hard drive mounted fine in one of my other DOS boxes about a week ago, but there was nothing really on it.

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